20 August 2007

28 Weeks Later

(Juan Carlos Fresnadillo, 2007)

Jesus wept, this has to be one of the most uninspired zombie films viral thrillers I've ever seen. If you're going to make a zombie film viral thriller in this day and age, you need to do something new with the genre. Or you need to do the same old shit, but throw in some fucking good gore. This does neither. Plus it's yet another film where the director has opted to shake the cameras around so that you can barely tell what's going on (as opposed to choreographing genuinely sophisticated action sequences that look effective from more stable camera shots).
I didn't realise until the end credits that this sequel was not directed by
Danny Boyle. I don't know how that fact passed me by. I just assumed it would be Boyle. Whether he'd have done a better job than Fresnadillo, I do not know. Fresnadillo gave us Intacto, which was pretty good, so why he made such a fuck-up of this, I also do not know. (All in all, there are many things about directors I do not know. Why Raimi made Spiderman, for instance.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Afternoon Dr. S. Nice to have you back film-review blogging, I was almost going to remove the link to your blog from mine, so long has it been!
Anyway, I just wanted to suggest hat you stop filing all films that begin with numerals under 'f'. Do as I do, and treat the number as a word. Twenty Eight Day Later should more properly be under 'T', n'est pas?