02 January 2007

Anaraifu (aka Analife)

(Kenji Goda, 2005)

Against the background of a constant stream of multiple on-screen images and a hypnotic, pulsing soundtrack, three not-entirely-likeable characters (a rapist; a death-obsessed photographer who's sexually involved with a murderer; and a guy who stalks strangers at a distance by going through their bins) narrate their stories, all of which culminate in rectal injury of one kind or another. Damaged arses in tow, they all end up visiting the same proctologist’s office, wherein they encounter some aliens and sing a song about meeting a bear in the woods. What it all means, I really do not know, but I found it utterly compelling and strangely enjoyable. I’ve never seen anything quite like it, and I doubt I ever will again.

Anaraifu @ IMDb


grim said...

I had assumed that the title was some clever pun on being a negation of life and, to be honest, I was rather surprised when I discovered that the pun hinged more around the anal. It was strangely enjoyable, though.

Johnny Strike said...

For my own part, I assumed (or should that be ASS-umed - ho! ho! ho!) that the title was a play on the words "analyse", or "analysis", and "life", meaning that the film would offer some kind of analytical commentary on the human condition, etc., etc., yada, yada. But no, it is most definitely a film about arses.